Physical Therapy helps individuals return to a normal pattern of movement and functioning following illness or medical trauma. It emphasizes restoring function and developing skills that will make individuals more mobile and safe in their living environment. Below are some indications of when to seek Physical Therapy.
In addition to Physical Therapy, we also specialize in Lymphedema (swelling of the limbs) Management and Wound Care.
To schedule an evaluation for Physical Therapy, call our Rehabilitation Department at 304-636-1391.
Medical Diagnoses that may require Physical Therapy:
- Head Trauma
- Paraplegia
- Quadriplegia
- Cardiac Disease
- Respiratory Disorders
- Fractures
- Osteo or Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Collagen Disorders
- Amputations
When to refer for Physical Therapy:
- Increased number of falls
- Rolling wheelchair into stationary objects
- Unsteady, unusual gait
- Increased assistance needed to safely move
- Decreased balance or coordination
- Limping or leaning while walking
- Increased difficulty with turning in bed
- Increased pain
- Ulcers or Bedsores
- Increased complaints of weakness
- Swelling
- Stiffness or constriction in muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, or skin
Physical Therapy May Provide:
- Balance training
- Gait training
- Range of Motion improvement
- Voluntary muscle control re-education
- Pain management
- Wound care
- Therapeutic exercises to improve strength and endurance
- Orthotic/prosthetic training
- Functional mobility skills
- Endurance training
- Bed mobility
LSVT Big — Parkinson’s Treatment
ERCC now offers a new specialized treatment program for people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. The specialized program treats the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease by helping persons to become more independent through a process whereby smaller movements are made big.
This treatment program is the only one of its kind in the area. The program retrains individuals with Parkinson’s to do such activities as buttoning a shirt or getting up from a chair. LSVT Big is also used to teach those suffering from Parkinson’s Disease when to apply extra effort for bigger movements. The success rate for LSVT Loud and LSVT Big increases when both programs are undertaken together.
LSVT Loud — Parkinson’s Treatment
ERCC now offers a specialized treatment program for people with Parkinson’s Disease — LSVT Loud. This program is a specialized treatment program that trains the person suffering from Parkinson’s Disease to use their voice at normal volume.
Like the LSVT Big program, this treatment is the only one of its kind in the area. The treatment focuses on helping the person suffering from Parkinson’s Disease to recalibrate their perception so they know how loud, or how soft, they sound to other people. It allows them to become more comfortable using a stronger voice at normal volume. The success rate for LSVT Loud and LSVT Big increases when both programs are undertaken together.
Ten early signs of Parkinson’s Disease
- Tremor
- Small Handwriting
- Loss of Smell
- Trouble Sleeping
- Trouble Moving or Walking
- Constipation
- A Soft or Low Voice
- Masked Face
- Dizziness or Fainting
- Stooping or Hunching Over